Sunday, September 09, 2007

short week

We spent a lot of time this week working on the personality posters. Most of you used the time in class very well and I am so excited to see the finished products. Remember - for the challenge classes they are due tomorrow, for the regular class they are due Wednesday.

We also focused on setting and mood this week. We read stories and talked about how the setting affected the mood. Thursday we spent time at stations identifying what sort of story would take place in different situations and figuring out why a story makes you feel a certain way. I feel like you guys have a good handle on setting and mood. Next week we will move on to another literary element.

Friday was a lot of fun. In the challenge classes, we got set up on and played with the site a little bit. In the future, we will be using it a lot to publish our work and to discuss the things we read. In the regular class, we read a story by Gary Soto called Being Mean about his childhood and the crazy things he and his brother and sister did. After that we spent time working on the personality posters.

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