Tuesday, November 07, 2006

personal point of view

How does the point of view affect the telling of The Outsiders? How would it be different in third person omnicient or third person limited? Be specific and write at least five sentences.


Anonymous said...

the point of view is effected by almost anything. like who is saying it what they feel about it and happened according to that person. i bet the point of view who change if soda was telling the story instead of pony. like it would be a lot more humoris.but i like pony telling the story better it will also effect the way you understand the book by whos ponit of view is telling the story .

Anonymous said...

the point of view affects the telling of The Outsiders because the story would be totally different. If the story was told by third person omnicient or third person limited the details for the story would be different. If Soda told the story it would be more funny and parts of the story would be left out. If you change the point of view some of the parts of the story are going to be left out. Also, the way you interprept the book might change based on who tells the story.

Anonymous said...

The story would be a lot different if it was told from a different point of view. I think that it wouldn't be as exciting if the third person omnicient told it because it would probably limit the emotion in this story. You wouldn't know exactly how the characters were feeling or their thoughts and I think that's an important part of this book. If it were told by the third person, it wouldn't be as exciting as when Ponyboy told it because he was involved in almost all of the main events in the story. I also agree with Lindsay when she says that the way you interpret the book would be different based on who was telling the story.

Anonymous said...

the details would be completely different. based on who told it their descriptions would impact on what we liked about the gangs. if Soda told the story it would be funnier. while Darreys would of been more serious. who knows the story could of been a lot better if given from another point of view. :)

Anonymous said...

If the Outsiders was in a different person it wouldn't be the same. and its affects the whole story. b/c if ponyboy is telling the story u can hear his thoughts and true feelings. but if its in another person they can tell u their thoughts but they arent as good as PONY`S. if tow-bit told the story it'd probably be half jokes.if soda told the story it'd probably be half what happened and really fun.

Anonymous said...

the point of view would be different if soda told the story because soda is not in the story as mauch as dally like. dally is in when johny kiled bob the soc and they went to dally soda was somewhere els.

Anonymous said...

~~~~~~~~Morgan~Ritcher~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If soda pop told the story stuff would be left out 'cause he didn't see johnny kill bob. but if jhonny told the story, it would have different scenes. but a lot more viewing 'cause Ponyboy was unconcentse. so the view would be totally different for different people

Anonymous said...

If the third person was used there would be less detail.
There would be less feeling. And almost no sensory detaials.2

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Smith,
I think it would be very differnt. #1 P-B wouldnt be the main charecter and 2 it wuoldnt sound write.

Brandon Norton

Anonymous said...

if the outsiders wasn't ponyboy it would be a lot different and all there would be saying is he,she, and her it would be a lot more confusing and it would be a little boring you wouldn't wan't to read or listen to some guy who you don't know and i would rather here ponyboy,darry,poor jonny, or some one else.


Anonymous said...

i think the it wwould be dofferent.

Anonymous said...

the point of view depends on whos saing it. the story would be diffferet if darry told the story.
ponyboy includes alot more detail.
i understand a story better when pony tells it.when the story is in first person you here the Thoughts of pony.

Anonymous said...

If someone else told the story it would be different. If Soda told the story we wouldn't know what happened when Pony and Johnny ran away.We would know what Soda and Darry did. If Darry told the story we'd know more about how he felt when he hit Ponyboy. We could see his emotional side of him.

Anonymous said...

The point of view would really be different like if a socs was telling the story thet would say it probaly is the Greasers fault everything happen. Also if Johnny was telling the story he would probaly tell about how the socs jumped him and he was very very hurt. How he isn't the same anymore after he got beaten up and that he always carries a switch blade.

Anonymous said...

the point of veiw affects a lot of things. if someone else was telling it it would be a different story

Anonymous said...

if the story was in third person limited or omnicient it would be different. the story would had different details maybe, or they wouldn't be as feeling from "Ponyboy". evryone might be discribed differently in third person. with Ponyboy telling the story is more interesting, i think. and all the "theys and "thems" would make the story different.

Anonymous said...

Oh bot the story would be so so much different if it was written in a different point of view. If Dally was telling the story it would be a ton different, no different with the pont of view.

Anonymous said...

The point of view is very important in the story. For example if the story was told by Johnny or Two-bit the story would be totally different. Like we would here about ponyboy from someone elses point of view and other things like that. If Darry told it we might of heard how much of a nesense ponyboy is or how much he wants to be a soc or something.

Anonymous said...

Well point of view is effected the way the person is telling it. If it woul be third person the story wouldn't be as effective or powerful. The first person in this book makes it more real. You know? WellI don't think I answered this question right but still I answered it!

Anonymous said...

I would be very different if the book wasn't in 1st person. It wmight be harder to understand because the narratator would be narrarating. If soda told it, there would be lot's of jokes that don't make sense. If Darry told it, it would also because it might be more depressing. I think that Pony boy tells it best.

Anonymous said...

the point of view affects telling the outsiders because if it were writen in third person there wouldn't be so much good detail. It would be like,"this made ponyboy sad and angry." throughout the whole book. That would be kind of boring. Especially in this story.

Anonymous said...

the point of veiw was affected by lots of things in the story. Like if it was dally or darry telling the story. If it were Darry, the main character would be out at work every day. If it were Dally, the main character would've died.

Anonymous said...

The point of view would vary like if Dally was narrarator everything would be about fighting. If Bob was the narrarator the story would be about the socs jumping the greasers and how the greasers were dirty. The story would also end a lot faster than if pony boy was narrarating it because bob gets murdered by Johnny. that is how the point of view affects the book the outsiders.

Anonymous said...

it would be a totaly different story if some one eles told the story. if it was johnny had told the story it would be a lot shorter and we would know what he was thinking when he stabed bob.

Anonymous said...

i think your point of view is just an opinion and is your own personal thing