Monday, October 30, 2006

messing with fate - not a good idea when animal appendages are involved

Today two classes read The Monkey's Paw and watched the Simpsons take on the story (the Simpsons have a take on everything!). We talked about the similarities and differences between the story and the Simpsons clip. The other, middle, class read Legend of Sleepy Hollow and we ran out of time to talk about it. It was way too difficult and long and I realized this after we were really far into it. So, I summarized sections of it for you and then finished it. In the end, when he was being chased by the headless horseman (Galloping Hessian) it got really exciting.

We also reviewed the expectations for classroom behavior because some of you have forgotten that you aren't supposed to talk while I'm know who you are...
And we talked about the upcoming intruder drill and what to do if there is a stranger in the building. I think we're pretty safe in my room because there is no window in the door.

Tomorrow, in honor of Halloween, we will be silent reading the entire class period - just kidding! You will find out what we are doing when you get there, but remember that your projects are due! 400 points!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that day was fun and the simpsons were great.